Matthew Szurkowski

Software Engineering Student @ UofG

About Me

About Me

Hi! I'm Matt.

I am a dedicated, diligent, and enthusiastic individual that has gained a wide set of skills and expertise. From programming languages to leadership, the skills I've learned will give me a leg up on the competition in my future ventures.

My Skills

"when love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."


Experienced in C, Python 3, Javascript, and HTML/CSS. Comfortable in Java and Bash. Familiar with C++, Lua, Perl, React, and MySQL.


Leadership has always been an essential ability of mine, whether it was at Oakville Soccer Camp, teaching coding classes at MindKraft, or working as a residence assistant at UofG.


Assembled many projects using Bootstrap 5. Experimented with Flask, Express.js, Node.js, and jQuery.

Data Analysis

Developed several projects which utilized big data in CTS*2000. Created a data analysis project that utilized numerous datasets to determine which country had the greatest progression through COVID-19.

Team Player

Accelerated in team environments in and out of school. Demonstrated Agile and Waterfall software developement abilites in several software design courses.

My Portfolio

Projects I have created over the years.

Algo Trading


Feel free to download my resume!

Contact Me

Shoot me a quick message and I'll get back to you!